I hope you take the chance to choose the door that is open and take it. Let the other one close. There is better opportunities out there. Chase those opportunities. I will have better opportunities for me in the long run. hose this door opening of opportunities for my family sake, help pay off debt. Better chance to buying our own house and living a better life. Whether I get this opportunity after the interview is the question. But like people tell me go in positive walk out positive and do your best answering the questions truthfully and respectfully. I owe it all to an old coworker and the man upstairs. I know he been telling me it's time for new opportunities and chances for me.. Take them see what you can do to impress them. Don't look back. Just ever quite till you get the offer and the door is about to close when u get the offer on your old chapter. Start your new chapter strong, positive and with courage, strength and good attitude. Attitude is the key to success and how you do at your job or anything. Start focusing on the important things in life. Let the new chapter lead you to where you want to go. I hope you choose the one that means the most to you and you keep walking till you find the window.